Application Form for the Interpersonal Mindfulness Program (IMPT) Teacher Training – October 10–18, 2025 – Santa María de Huerta (Soria, Spain)

Course Fee

  • Pre-registration: €400 before March 31, 2025
  • Remaining payment of registration (€1,000) due by July 30, 2025

Cancellation Policy (if the participant cancels):

  • Before May 30, 2025: 100% refund minus €80 for organizational and administrative costs
  • Before July 30, 2025: 50% refund
  • After July 30, 2024: No refund (by this date, the major organizational expenses will have been incurred)

Thank you for completing this online form. We will send you an acknowledgment of receipt as soon as possible. Your application will then be reviewed by the teaching team, and we will respond within 8 to 10 days.

*(This application may take more than ten minutes to complete.)

    Fields marked with * are required


    First Name*

    Last Name*

    Address (street, avenue, square)*



    Postal Code*




    Emergency Contact Phone*

    Native Language (You can mark more than one option):

    SpanishEnglishI am not a native English speaker but I can understand and express myself in English

    Do you have any physical or mental conditions that might affect your participation in the course?*


    Please describe:

    Do you have any food or other allergies?*

    Please describe:


    1. Do you have a regular meditation practice?*


    Please describe:

    2. I am a teacher of:*

    MBSRMBCTOther program

    Note: Teachers or facilitators of other training programs will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

    Please describe:

    3. Profession*

    4. Have you participated in more than two silent retreats?*


    At least 7 daysAt least 5 days

    Please describe dates, location, duration, and teacher:

    5. Have you participated in at least two Insight Dialogue retreats?*


    Please describe dates, location, duration, and teacher:

    6. Have you participated in at least one 8-week Interpersonal Mindfulness program?*


    7. Have you taught at least 3 cycles of MBSR/MBCT?*


    I have facilitated other training programs

    Please describe:


    Is there any circumstance you would like to share as important for your training that we haven’t asked about?*

    Please describe:


    My motivation to participate in this training*:

    I accept the privacy policy

    I would like to receive information about news and courses

    + Disclaimer.

    Understanding the voluntary nature of my participation in the work, programs, and activities offered by EFSYP, I release and discharge EFSYP and its agents and employees from all causes of action, liability, and claims for all personal injuries, illnesses, property damage, or death that may occur now or in the future, caused by or directly or indirectly related to any work I may perform or any activity I engage in during my participation in this EFSYP program or my stay at the center. For the period covered by this program, by clicking the checkbox below, I agree that I am covered by medical insurance and acknowledge that medical insurance is not the responsibility of the ESPACIO DE FORMACIÓN EN SALUD Y PSICOTERAPIA.